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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

More On (or Moron) Phone Use

Have you ever called someone and they answer their phone, listen for a second and then say they cannot talk right then because they are in the middle of a meeting? I sure have and I find it incredibly rude. I think it is rude for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, it says to the caller that the person answering the phone is awaiting a call, but that you (the one calling) are not important enough to interrupt the meeting; now go away. Secondly, it tells the others in the meeting that there is someone more important calling, or the phone would not have been answered, and that they should just sit and wait while the call is taken.

I find the whole business completely inconsiderate. When you are in a meeting, don’t answer your phone. Also, remember to turn off your cell phone. There are not many people that I can think of that need to take calls while they are in meetings. The meeting is a designated time to meet with someone else. Show that person the courtesy and respect that they deserve and simply pay attention to them and no one else while in the meeting.

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