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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, March 30, 2007

Reconnecting with the Past

Today has been a great day for reconnecting with people from my past. It is great to catch up with people (past business associates or friends) and learn what is presently going on with them. I also have found it beneficial to myself to share what I am up to; I pay attention to how I explain my life and get to hear how others respond to it. All in all it has been fun and encouraging to hear from others regardless of whether we are discussing successes or failures. I recognized a long time ago that I learn from every experience I am in; whether good or bad, I learn what works and what doesn't.

Today's awareness is to remember people from your past and try to catch up once in a while and see where their lives' have taken them. Sometimes the timing is perfect and you may both have needed what the other has to offer.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

looking forward to catching up with you on the 13th!