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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Tale of Good Customer Service

I was speaking with someone today that I had referred to a health insurance agent. The agent had helped to pick out a great HSA plan for her. The woman was happy with the plan, but when she set up an appointment for an annual exam, she was told that she would have to pay for it out of pocket.

She spoke with the insurance agent and because he had given her inaccurate information, he offered to cover the cost of the appointment himself. Wow! Talk about stepping up to the plate! Additionally, he found a better plan that would include annual check ups for the future and the woman even rescheduled her appointment far enough out that her new plan would be in place by then and the insurance agent would not have to pay for her appointment.

That is good customer service and a customer who is willing to accept that people make long as they clean up their mess.

The awareness for today is to not only go out of your way to provide excellent customer service, but to also be aware of times when you can show some empathy for those helping you.

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