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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Verfiy Charges!!!

I was looking over some financial statements of one of my clients and saw a large and unusual debit charge on their checking account. I questioned it and learned that my client was not even aware of it. Upon further investigation, I learned that it was for design work that was supposed to have been done, but never was completed; the work was started, then the account manager dropped the ball (and then left the company) and then nothing was ever completed. I made some calls and the charge should be reversed.

Often people laugh, or think that I am being anal, when I save ALL of my receipts. Yes, I can be anal, but with good reason. I always verify all charges to my credit cards and checking accounts against receipts. If I do not have a receipt, that definitely brings up a red flag and requires more research.

The awareness for today is to pay attention to any charges on your accounts. Verify that you have a receipt and that the charge is for the same amount as the receipt. If you do this on a monthly basis, it will not take very long to do. Trust me, it is worth it.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Again, another timely awarness for me. In the last month I found incorrect charges from two different restaurants on my credit card bill. In both cases, the restaurant charged my card for the correct amount and had a second charge for an amount that should have been charged to someone else's card. In both cases, I was able to call the restaurant, explain the situation, and have the problem remedied quickly. I was glad I had my original receipts for back up, though! Thanks for another good awareness Paul.