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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, September 24, 2007


I know that I am not alone in disliking Mondays. For most of us, it is the day of the week where we need to return to work after having time off over the weekend. For many it is not so much a dislike of work that makes it difficult, but rather the shift from personal time over the weekend to work during the week.

I love to have time off. Let me write that again, I LOVE TO HAVE TIME OFF. However, it is my time working that allows me to have my time off.

There will be some of my readers who just don't like their jobs and that is what makes Mondays difficult for them. For those people, I suggest looking for a new job or career. For those of us who just don't like the shift from weekend to work week, I would like to encourage us to embrace the fact that we go back to work to enable the enjoyment of our time off.

The awareness for today is to work beyond the dread of Monday and focus on what the work week enables us to do.


Anonymous said...

dude, i have time off all the time. trust me, you get sick about that, in time...

Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein said...

Hi bestbloger~

I have always enjoyed my downtime, but that is because it has been balanced with work time. If I really had only free time, I would spend more time volunteering and working on the boards of not-for-profit companies.

Thanks for your comment!