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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, January 11, 2008

Growth versus Change

The New Year always brings about change. Someone recently said to me that we should be open to all changes. I cannot fully agree with that. Obviously change is inevitable, but not all change is good. I think growth is a better word to use in this situation. Change can be both positive or negative, but growth suggests positive change...being more than before.

When looking at business, it is important to work towards growth; growth of sales, growth of revenue, growth of customer base, etc. Not all change will be positive, but we must be flexible enough to compensate for any negative changes that occur from outside of our control (yes, it is true, we cannot control everything).

The awareness for today is to focus on changing through growth and building your business or personal life through positive means. Take the negative changes and adapt to them by looking at what positive actions you can take to compensate for the negative.

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