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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, January 7, 2008

Starting with a Bang

Only partially listening to my own advice of last week that said to not expect to accomplish everything at once, I am already a bit frustrated with myself that I have not yet completed all the goals that I set for myself for 2008. Come on, it is already January 7th! :-)

I know this is ridiculous, yet I continuously create more stress for myself by maintaining unreasonable expectations. I hope that you do not do the same. When I finally do take the time to breathe (which is very important!), I calm myself down and recognize the absurdity of my expectations. From this place of calmness, I refocus on my goals and also work to remember the location so that I can find the calmness more readily.

The awareness for today is to keep up on your goals for the year, but know that they are for the entire year, not just this month, week or day. Track your progress, but do not be discouraged if your accomplishments are not accumulating as quickly as you would like...simply appreciate them for accomplishments.

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