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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, January 29, 2007

Follow Through

I often begin my work week by looking at e-mails that I need to follow up with. These are not people that I owe responses to, but rather people who have never responded back to me. I resend them the last message I had sent to them, point out that I have never heard back from them and then ask for a response.

The frustrating part is that these are generally people who have contacted me and are requesting my services. I follow up as quickly as possible and then I generally have to wait for a response. As my business grows, I will no longer chase down the non-responders, but at this point, I need to build my business and if these people have a need for my services I better track them down and keep them interested.

The point is that we need to put in extra effort to build our businesses. Even if people are chasing us down for our services, we need to work to make money. Perhaps we can hit a certain point where we do not need to still be "hungry" and can just let business come to us. However, I am sure most of you know that as soon as you know longer try, business dries up. We must always be cultivating new business and new relationships in order to maintain a strong and/or growing business.

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