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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Miss Communication

I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Miss Communication. No matter how much I avoid her, I have to deal with her often. She doesn't return phone calls, makes me chase after her for e-mail responses and when she does respond to e-mail, she does not answer direct questions asked of her.

I am sure that many of you know her, as she seems to get around quite a bit. Unfortunately, she won't go away, so we all need to deal with her, no matter how frustrating she is.

The awareness that I hope to leave you with today is to consciously think about not inviting her into your lives. Try to do business without her and think about how you are communicating, or not communicating, with others in your lives.


Unknown said...

Hilarious! Miss Communication's reputation precedes her. It's a bit like that stranger in a big city that wants to talk to you on the bus. Thanks for the heads up!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that anyone communicates at all, really. Thoughts, beliefs, experiences, perspectives, judgments play such a huge role in moment-to-moment living. Your blog on communication today reminds me of the increased value in compassion (and humor!)when making a connection (or not) with another human being. We're all dancing as fast as we can!