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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, March 9, 2007

Customer Servi--Huh? What?

So CompUSA is closing over half of its 225 stores throughout the US. To see a list of the stores, click here. I am more surprised that they have lasted as long as they have.

When it comes to technology, a major reason to purchase at a brick and mortar store rather than over the Internet is the customer service and knowledge that comes from the employees. On a recent trip to CompUSA, I saw a great deal on a CD/DVD storage case in one of their bargain bins. It appeared to be a great price and I didn't look into it any further. As I was checking out, I asked the employee if the case I was purchasing was the best priced one. He looked at me as though he couldn't care less and said, "I don't know." He didn't offer to check for me, he didn't see if someone else knew, he just didn't know and didn't care.

For the most part, when I go into one of their stores, I work with the business salespeople who are generally quite knowledgeable and helpful. But when they are not around, I notice all of the other employees standing around and talking to each other, too busy to help a customer. When I "bug" them and directly ask for help, the responses I often get are, "I think" or "I am pretty sure." Their unwillingness to find me the answers makes me not want to take any of my business to CompUSA.

I feel that, "I don't know" is an acceptable answer, but only when coupled with, "but I will find out for you." Making that extra effort makes a real difference in providing good customer service. It shows that you are willing to put in the time to really help someone. Please, please think about how you treat your customers, clients, patients, etc. If you can help more than you currently are, it will help you in the long run to be the one who goes the extra mile for those you are working with.

Have great weekend!

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