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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, March 16, 2007

Don't Force the Issue

So I really wanted to blog today. It has been a couple of days since my last post and I wanted to add fresh content for you faithful readers. The problem is that I can't concentrate or focus on anything to write today. It is a very frustrating feeling. I guess it is writer's block (sounds a bit silly to call it that for a short blog).

My awareness for today is to try and recognize when you are forcing something. If you, or your body, are quite aware that you are trying to force an issue, whether it be writing, returning a specific call, eating or even exercising, maybe you should respect your natural intuition and take a step back. Please do not misunderstand me; I am not advocating procrastination or avoidance. You have to be the one to check yourself and see if you are really avoiding something or just need some time away from it.

I know myself (most of the time) and I know that I will have other topics to write about in the future, but I guess today I have other work I need to do and my blog is just not where I consciously or subconsciously want to be putting my energy. No offense meant to you readers out there.

Listen to your body and mind and respect them. Have a great weekend!

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