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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, March 2, 2007

People in Airports

I am currently in Los Angeles; I flew in yesterday for some business and pleasure. I love to travel. There is something exciting about being in different cities or countries. I find it very interesting to observe others in this process as well; parents travelling with small children, elders, college age kids, business people and more.

It is funny to see how unconscious many people are. Directly after getting off of my plane, a family stopped, blocking the entire walkway simply to tie their shoes. They didn't care that the rest of the plane was getting off behind them. They could have moved to the side or waited another ten feet for the pathway to open up, but in their world, that was the right spot to stop.

Think about the last time you were on a flight. How did people act waiting to check in, through security, waiting to board, boarding, putting on carry-on luggage, getting in their seats, sharing armrests, reclining seats, etc.? How did you act?

I find that I often stand my ground on the armrest situation. I know it is silly, but I need the space. I will, however, happily share the armrest and compromise with one elbow in front or behind the other person's elbow.

Not very business related today, but hey, that is what was on my mind. Back to my day. Have a great weekend!

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