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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Data Storage

I was just discussing data storage and security with a client this morning. They are both very important for most businesses. I know many people that never back up their data and I am also surprised at how many people do not use any form of antivirus protection.

It is incredibly important to back up your data to a secondary source beyond your own hard drive. If your system were to crash, how would you recover your data if you did not have it backed up in another location? What if you were to lose all of your customers' data? It is not that difficult to do. Send me a note if you need help figuring out your situation and I will connect you to companies that can help.

Security will be my next topic.

The awareness for today is to look at your data storage situation and make a change if you need to.

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