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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, May 14, 2007


I have been quite aware recently when I have gotten myself into situations where I have no bargaining power. It is a frustrating place to be.

In previous posts I have discussed arranging any fee agreements in advance. Unfortunately, that is not always possible. There are times, when I work with different contacts of mine, that there is no room for negotiation and I don't know the full fee situation until the the deal is wrapping up. These situations only work for me because I know and trust the other parties (famous last words!). I have learned that it is better to get the deal to go through than to spend too much time haggling and not see the deal close at all.

I do believe that I have always been treated fairly in these situations, but as I wrote above, it is difficult to not have any bargaining power.

The awareness for today is to look at your own situation and see where you can increase or let go of some of your own bargaining chips.

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