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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Important Reminder

I often blog about customer service or the lack of it. Yesterday, I was given a gentle reminder that there may be external factors affecting the way customers are treated.

In general I have back issues (relating back to my back being broken in a car accident in 2001). Yesterday was a tough day for my back and, therefore, for me. In the past five days, I have flown twice and been in two three-hour plus car rides; my back can only handle so much. The point is that while I was in pain, I noticed that my mood suffered. I was grumpy, annoyed and frustrated by people I was working with. Just recognizing what was going on with me helped me mellow myself out, but it definitely was a stressful day for me because of the pain.

Because of this, I need to remember that the times I am receiving poor customer service may not be a normal reflection on the one giving it to me. This is not an excuse or a reason for someone not to try hard, but it helps me to remember to cut people a little slack.

The awareness for today is to simply recognize how our moods affect those around us and to be conscious enough to recognize that others may be taking things out on us that have nothing to do with us.

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