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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Networking and Not Working

I had a meeting this afternoon and during it we briefly discussed a mutual client/friend who is a power networker. She is great at meeting people and has very strong connections throughout the States. What she lacks, however, is follow through. She may be great at meeting people and making that initial connection, but if she never follows through and just keeps spinning her wheels, she will never get anywhere. It does not help to spread one's self too thin by over committing and them accomplishing anything.

When I network, I am purposeful in my introductions and meeting people. If I say that I will get in touch with someone, I do it. Unfortunately, I often find myself waiting on others. I am by no means perfect, but I am dependable to those who know me.

The awareness for today is to ensure that you follow through on your committed actions.

1 comment:

Carole DeJarnatt said...

You are so right! When networking it does no good just to show up, you must follow up on any connections made and commitments. I personally feel I am a great networker but I find myself at times being a slacker on the follow up part. A few minutes ago I read a different blog that suggested mailing a letter along with a business card to add the personal touch to the brief connection. I am committing to myself this is what I will do in the future. Since most people do not, I should be able to stand out in this persons mind!
