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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, July 2, 2007

Loss of Internet Access

I was quite frustrated today as my Internet access was unavailable for large chunks of the day. I went out and worked from a coffee shop for a bit, but that is definitely not the same as working in MY space.

It amazes me how dependent I have become on the Internet. I need to stay current with my e-mails and do research and if I do not have Internet access, a lot of my work simply cannot happen.

The awareness for today is to appreciate how the Internet has helped, but also to be aware of the dependency it has created. Hopefully you are not as bad as me!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I've been struggling with this same issue. I've become totally dependent on the internet. While in Boston, I had essentially no access to the internet except for a few minutes every few days...I was going through withdrawl!