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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, September 7, 2007

Portland Ice Storm - Everyone has the Same Problem

So today I wanted to share one of my favorite videos from YouTube. It is of a terrible snow/ice storm in Portland, Maine. What I find fascinating is the number of people who see that no one else has been able to make it through the ice, but it is going to be different for them. It is pretty funny as everyone who tries, ends up doing more damage to themselves and others.

The awareness for today is to recognize that when you notice others are massively struggling on something it is not necessarily going to be easy for you either. Don't keep trying to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Be innovative and try your own thing (hopefully more calculated than the video!).

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I think we do this in our own lives, too. We have a problem and we keep trying to attack it the same way, and get the same results. I've seen this in the workplace over and over again where many individuals (or departments) attempt to solve a problem (or complete a difficut task) using the same method...why is it always a surprise that the results are the same?!

I think you are right on, the hardest part is to recognize when this kind of pattern is occurring!