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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Good and Bad Busy

I haven't had the time to blog for a few days which is both a good and bad thing. Good because I have been busy with work, bad because I have had an incredible amount of technical difficulties recently; I have been without my laptop and my loaner was fine until the external hard drive where I had backed up all of my data stopped working and the scanner and printer were both acting up.

I was able to move the external drive to a new enclosure and solved that problem and I fiddled with the printer/scanner enough to get them working again. I spent far too much time on fixing my technology when I had work that needed to be accomplished. I still have a list of e-mails to look at with deal notes from different sources.

I have written before about the frustrations of technology...when it works, it can save us a lot of time, but when it doesn't work, it costs us a lot more time!

The awareness for today is to make sure you back up your digital information and also that you pay attention to where your time is spent; it can be worthwhile to spend time fixing something if it then enables you to be more productive and efficient.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Paul, a great awareness. I seem to always get caught off guard when technology fails, or fails to be efficient. Taking time to do repair is irritating, though it seems to be the cost of having technology that allows more efficient time use in other ways. Thanks for the reminder...I really do need to back up my laptop!