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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Internal Customers

Today I wanted to bring up our internal customers...our employees and different departments that we have to work with within our businesses. Often people take for granted their employees. These same people have the attitude that if they are paying people to do the job, it will get done. Hopefully the job will get done, but just paying your employees is not enough.

Your employees need to be kept happy just as your external customers. You want your employees to be happy to come to work and provide that same positive experience for your external customers who are actually spending money with you. Don't fool yourself, your internal customers may not be spending money with you, but they sure can cost you money. Some important things to think about with your employees is making sure that there is meaning for them in their work; job satisfaction ranked higher than pay on a survey of important work factors for employees. Empowering employees and keeping them informed helps to build that relationship.

The awareness for today is to remember to treat your internal customers, your employees, happy with the work they are doing and if they are not, find ways to improve the situation.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been on this soapbox for a long, long time at my workplace. Employee satisfaction is directly linked to how they perform on the job and how they relate to external clients. Unhappy, unsatisfied, unappreciated employees will leak out their negative feelings which could have small impact, or very large impact. Those employees won't stick around. What costs more, the amount of time and money it takes to advertise for a position, do a search and train a person or the time and expense of express appreciation, improve communication and increase morale?