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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Friday, April 20, 2007

Elevator Speeches

I am constantly reminded of the importance of an elevator speech. All an elevator speech encompasses is enough information to share with someone about what you do for a living while you are riding in an elevator; it does not have to be in an elevator, but that is where the concept came from. It is useful to have multiple versions of your elevator speech for different events and opportunities. A fifteen second one is great for a quick introduction and there are benefits to having a thirty or forty five second speech as well.

All of us have heard someone stumble on the question when someone asks, "what do you do?" If you already have a concise and informative couple of sentences planned out, you will come across much more professional than if you simply "play it by ear" and explain what you do without putting any thought behind it.

The awareness for today is to think about your elevator speech(es) and please share them with me.
Have a great weekend!

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