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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Time, or Lack Thereof

One would think that to write a short blog on a daily basis is simple. That is not the case. We are all busy people and I am no exception to that. I have really noticed that it is not so easy to always fit in the time for everything we would like to do. I often have to push some of my tasks from the current day to the next day. I make sure and look at the priority of my tasks and items that cannot be moved, but, yes, I cannot always accomplish everything that I would like to in one day.

I do wish my blog could be more frequent, but I am doing what I can with the time I have. Now, when we move to a 30 hour day, I should be able to get more done. [I know of no plans to move to a 30 hour day, just trying to infuse some humor in my blog.]

The awareness for today is to recognize that you cannot do everything. Prioritize your to do list and do the best you can to complete tasks.

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