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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Monday, June 18, 2007

First Impressions

As the old saying goes, "you only get one chance at a first impression." This is quite true. I wrote a bit about it in my post entitled E-Mail Enticement. If you are looking for money or new customers/clients/patients, you need to portray professionalism during your initial introduction. I have worked with some associates over the years who just pass on a lot of junk and want me or my sources to weed through it to find the relevant information. That method often results in a quick pass on the deal by either me or my sources.

If you are trying to "sell" something (either yourself or your products or your services), then do it; "sell" it! Show that you are putting an effort in and have updated information, try not to leave too many holes and be prepared to have answers to questions or concerns that will obviously come up. Provide the benefits to using you/your product/your service. Share why you want someone's business and show that you will do the extra work to get it.

The awareness for today is to have intent behind your actions. Be responsible for yourself and be confident in your business dealings by knowing that you are putting in your all. Make that first impression count.

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