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Integrity & Awareness by Paul Burnstein

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Dropping My Chamber Membership?

I am currently an ambassador for the Boulder Chamber of Commerce and have have been since 2005. I have always liked the Chamber and felt that it was one of those organizations you join in any community you may live.

Recently, however, I have been internally debating whether or not I want to renew my membership. Regardless of how financially flush I may feel, $325 is still $325 and if I am not getting anything out of it, then perhaps it is not the best use of my money.

As an ambassador I have attended many, many events over the years. I really like helping connect people to local resources and I enjoy the networking. As I wrote in a previous post titled "Junk Networking Events," I have been cutting out events that do not benefit me or my business. I have gotten very little business out of the Chamber, always feeling that it was more about establishing myself in the community rather than building a good referral network.

In discussions with others recently I have learned that I am not the only one considering stepping away from the Chamber; others also believe the value is just not there.

I would love to hear opinions from my readers; either comment directly on the blog or send me a private note through my contact option on the right.

The awareness for today is to simply be aware and live life with integrity.

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